Morningstar Educational Group, Inc.

Morningstar Educational Group, Inc.

CHINESE - After School -- Weekend School -- Summer School -- 中文

About Morningstar ......


Morningstar Educational Group

        晨星中文学校成立于2001年,经过多年努力不断发展壮大,现有Santa Clara和West San Jose两座校园。覆盖周围Cupertino,Campbell, Saratoga, Moreland, West San Jose, Santa Clara校区以及多个私立学校。

         开设的项目有: 课后班(After School Enrichment program K-G6),周末中文(Weekend Chinese School K-AP Class) 以及夏令营(Summer School) 和丰富多彩的主题营(Theme Camp)。


Morningstar Educational Group, Inc. (Morningstar) is an educational institution providing after-school service for students ranging from 6 to 11 years of age. Since its establishment in 2001, Morningstar has developed various successful pre-secondary educational programs, where students are introduced and absorbed into diverse extracurricular activities to grow to be well-rounded people socially, academically and physically.

Beginning with just 22 students, 80 students by the half-year mark and then expanding to 150 students just after a year, Morningstar currently cares for 250 elementary school students. Due to our flourishing after-school program and popular demand for further services, Morningstar was able to start up a preschool, leased from Cupertino Union School District in 2005, nurturing over 60 toddlers. Furthermore, with higher requests for learning the Chinese language, Morningstar also provides a weekend program for more than 200 students focusing on improving their Chinese reading and writing skills. Also Morningstar’s capabilities of successfully operating this service are up to par due to its collaborative and diligent management team who has worked in this institutional profession since the start of the incorporation. Currently, Morningstar has the most successful after-school programs in the Bay Area.

At this time, Morningstar holds 10 classrooms at the Curtis School, covering one-third of the rental expense of the whole campus. Also Morningstar hopes to relocate its preschool to the Curtis School, thus taking over half of the rental fee of its entirety. With higher demands for multicultural education, Morningstar has amassed into a well-known service. Although the recession has drastically affected the economy nationwide, however, Morningstar maintains a firm ground and continues to prosper and expand to this day. It is evident that this organization is financially stable and will only become more secure.

Morningstar’s success is attributed to the recognition of the unique strengths of each child and its commitment to meet the needs of the individual child and their families. Students are able to participate in an assortment of educational activities to develop and enhance their broader interests. Morningstar is proud to provide an eclectic educational program and a culture-enriching foundation for students with all types of background.

In addition, at Morningstar, we understand that children learn best in a safe and nurturing environment, which helps them to grow and develop their abilities and skills to the utmost potential. Hence, we pledge to provide the best educational service possible, which starts with a heartwarming, fostering and knowledgeable staff. Also we supply a secure teaching facility that meets the demands of each and every student and family member.

Morningstar honors its philosophy and principles to the paramount level. Our program is developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate, designed to encourage exploration, hands-on experience, creativity, imagination and social interaction. Morningstar is a safe space where families can trust and depend on to fully care and help each child to grow in the multi-cultured environment of the Bay Area with self-esteem, honesty, discipline and love.

Morningstar understands the importance and significance of what a successful educational program can provide and are fully aware of the difference it can cause in a child’s life. Therefore, Morningstar strives to make that difference for the child, giving every child an equal chance at fulfilling their needs to flourish and succeed in life. We hope that we have proven our ability to organize a thriving program and wish to expand our services further to provide students with the best institution possible. Morningstar is pleased to provide its services for the community and will continue to perform at its best and is always open for more suggestions for improvement.

Morningstar Staff

李晓鸣 - 以爱与尊重为核心,培养孩子们的优秀品质和良好习惯, 提升孩子们的学习及生活能力。
赖理老师 - 有幸和孩子们一起感受他们的开心,有幸见证他们的进步和成长!
路青老师 -知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。我希望尽自己的努力,可以帮助孩子们找到学习的快乐,成为好学的人和乐学的人。
宋珺老师 - 我将用我的爱心、责任心、耐心认真地把一颗颗希望与信心的种子播撒在孩子们心中,愿在晨星陪伴孩子们自信、快乐地生活学习!
王盛老师 - 大家好,我是王老师。担任晨星中文教师多年。善于组织各种有趣的活动,帮助孩子们建立自信心,激发孩子们的学习积极性,挖掘孩子们的潜能,把知识点融于孩子们的生活中。我的中文教学理念是:严谨+实用。
Bella老师 - 很高兴能够和每个孩子一同学习进步,见证他们的成长与进步。学习并非轻松的事,希望自己的教学能够让学习变得有趣。
王卓老师 - 希望能建立一个团结友爱,互帮互助,快乐的学习环境,启发孩子的学习动力,培养学习热忱。

Morningstar Educational Group

侯葆 - 大家好!我是侯老师,毕业于湖北师范大学,从教近十年以来,一直对教育事业充满着热情和喜爱!在向孩子们传授知识的同时,我更愿意陪伴着孩子们一起快乐地成长,努力使自己成为一名亦师亦友的新型教师!
耿旭波老师 - 爱孩子、爱教育、爱学习、爱运动,期待在晨星与您的孩子相识相知,相互学习。
Julia老师 - 晨星的孩子们聪明活泼,富有创造力!