Morningstar Educational Group, Inc.

Morningstar Educational Group, Inc.

CHINESE - After School -- Weekend School -- Summer School -- 中文

 Morningstar Chinese School Reopening Safety Plans


 The health and safety of our students and teachers is always our highest priority. To mitigate the risks of COVID-19 while children are in our care.  Morningstar schools have adopted additional health and safety measures based on CDC guidelines, California State and Santa Clara County regulations in order to keep our campuses clean and our students and teaching staff safe.


  • All Morningstar staff members and teachers receive temperature checks once a day.
  • All students receive temperature checks and are monitored to ensure that we can identify developing changes. If a child becomes ill during the day, he or she will stay in a separate area while awaiting pickup.
  • Face covering at the school is required for everyone, with exception given to children under 6 years of age. Our teachers help to make sure our students handle mask-wearing properly. This is extremely effective way to protect self and others.
  • Make sure all teachers and students hand-washing and disinfecting throughout the day, especially before and after using bathrooms and for snacks. Teachers must wear disposable gloves for disinfecting and serving snack.
  • All of the equipment is kept sanitized before handled to students.
  • Touched surfaces will be cleaned daily before school and at the end of each day as well.
  • Classroom settings that desks with any students must be spaced at least six feet apart.
  • The routines inside the classroom facility shall be arranged as that the 6-feet distance among students kept always.  In the cohort; that teachers maintain at least 6 feet of distance from students well.
  • Teachers and related staff are the only adults permitted to enter the classroom facility.  Pick up and drop off students in a designated location outside the classroom facility and keep physical distancing 6 feet apart.  This area will be supervised by Morningstar staff,
  • If there are any positive case of covid-19 identified, Morningstar School administrators will contact local health department.  Affected staff and families of the school community will be notified of exposure to COVID-19, while maintaining confidentiality as required by state and federal laws.  In the event of an isolation, quarantine, or school closure that disrupts on-campus learning, distance learning alternatives will be implemented.



Academy Activity Achievement Ability Amazing





Student's Most Loved!


Do you want to learn perfect Chinese?

Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing


Monday - Friday | 11AM - 6PM Saturday | 9AM - 11AM

Learning Center Life

Morningstar understands the importance and significance of what a successful educational program can provide and are fully aware of the difference it can cause in a child’s life. Therefore, Morningstar strives to make that difference for the child, giving every child an equal chance at fulfilling their needs to flourish and succeed in life. We hope that we have proven our ability to organize a thriving program and wish to expand our services further to provide students with the best institution possible.  Morningstar is pleased to provide its services for the community and will continue to perform at its best and is always open for more suggestions for improvement.

We are a very experienced team of teachers, providing top notch services to our students with Chinese, Math and English learning, and extra-curriculum classes including arts, science, chess, dances, piano, etc.

Our goal is to grow with your children in a fun environment, while, sharing our hard earned knowledge.

Unique Curriculum

We understand the learning needs of students and deliver unique curriculum to meet them

Achieve Full Potential

We look beyond labels to see and help every student realizing their dreams of the future.

Special Caring

A caring faculty and professional staff team makes all the difference!




High Quality Teaching Team and Best Chinese Education Environment

Monday through Friday

Extracurricular Activities

Morningstar Educational Group, Inc. (Morningstar) is an educational institution providing after-school service for students ranging from 6 to 11 years of age. Since its establishment in 2001, Morningstar has developed various successful pre-secondary educational programs, where students are introduced and absorbed into diverse extracurricular activities to grow to be well-rounded people socially, academically and physically.

Happy Students! Happy Parents!